I year

By September, the 15th 

Each PhD student must therefore submit a scientific report regarding the work carried out within the 15 September of each year (maximum 4 pages). He/She will also have to indicate the participations in seminars, courses, congresses, and other initiatives related to the third mission and on a date established by the coordinator, he/she will present to the teaching staff the results of his/her research carried out during the year in English. It will also have to indicate how he/she intends to develop its research in the following year. 

By the end of September

The presentation will be held in English.

II year

By September, the 15th 

Each PhD student must therefore submit a scientific report regarding the work carried out within the 15 September of each year (maximum 4 pages). He/She will also have to indicate the participations in seminars, courses, congresses, and other initiatives related to the third mission and on a date established by the coordinator, he/she will present to the teaching staff the results of his/her research carried out during the year in English. It will also have to indicate how he/she intends to develop its research in the following year. 

By the end of September

The presentation will be held in English.

III year

To be admitted, at the end of the cycle, to the final exam, the students must have published a scientific article with the first name or first shared name and a second product (e.g., article, patent) in which it is not mandatory to appear as the first name or first shared name. Review articles will not be considered. Only peer-reviewed articles will be considered.

At the end of the PhD, each student is required to write a thesis in English regarding the scientific results obtained during the project.

Rules and details are provided in Italian language.